Products – Smart2 and SMVU Controllers

Smart II Controllers

Staefa Smart II line of controllers includes Fan Coil, Heat Pump, VAV, DDC, MUX, and BTU types of application controllers. The Smart2 “Standard” is equipped with the Staefa’s proprietary 0-20vdc Phase Cut analog outputs and the Smart2 “Plus” is equipped with universal 0-10vdc analog outputs.

SMVU Controller

Staefa SMVU line of controllers include VAV applications only. There are three models including the SMVU-VP with mass air flow sensor (shown above), SMVU-V for use with the SM2-SVP air velocity sensor, and the SMVU-LC with a lower point count option.

Smart II Service Tool

The Staefa Smart2 hand held Service Tool provides field programming of application specific parameters including controller addressing. Certain laptop computer configurations may be able to utilize the “PCTOOL” software version of above hand held service tool. Contact MetCon LLC for further information on PCTOOL.

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